Bike for Bibles (B4B) is an annual event that brings cycling enthusiasts of all ages and walks of life together for a time of fellowship on the road – with one purpose in mind – to help raise funds for Bible distribution and translation projects of the Canadian Bible Society.
In 1984, Australian businessman Bob Forrest was invited by his son and his friend to drive a support car for them as they rode from Sydney to Melbourne. It occurred to Bob that something like this could be used as a fundraising project. He phoned the Bible Society office and found out about a project involving literacy development in India which needed $2,000. Bob, who hadn’t ridden a bicycle in 35 years, decided he would rather cycle than sit in the car. He found someone else to do that. The three riders succeeded in their trip and in raising the necessary funds.
Word spread and the following year six riders raised $10,000. In 1986, 42 cyclists rode 2,700 kilometres from Adelaide to Brisbane and raised $55,000. Bike for Bibles was born. The wheels kept on turning; in 1989, 560 cyclists raised $565,000 for Bible distribution in Africa.
In 1991, Bob Forrest was travelling through Canada when he was introduced to Darrell Young, Minister of Youth at First Alliance Church in Calgary. Darrell was just about to do a solo ride from Calgary to the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. Bob introduced Darrell to Martyn Thomas, Secretary for the Southern Alberta District of the Canadian Bible Society. Darrell was not able to arrange his trip as a fund-raiser but had plenty of time out on the highway to imagine what a future Bike for Bibles Canada ride would be like. When Darrell was back in Calgary, he and Martyn began working together, planning and pulling people into a steering committee.
The first ride took place on August 11th – 20th 1992. The trip began in Revelstoke and ended at Golden, BC. On the way, the team visited Nakusp, Kaslo, Creston, Cranbrook, Kimberley and Invermere. A day of white-water rafting on the Kicking Horse River was thrown in for more excitement.
Our Canadian cyclists experienced the privilege of having Bob Forrest come, along with three other cyclists, one roadie and two film crew members from the Land Down Under. In all, the team was able to raise over $17,000 for Bible distribution in Russia and the Ukraine.
Today, Bike for Bibles is a global event attracting thousands of riders, all with a vision to change the world one person at a time. Join us this year in 1-day, 2-day or even week-long rides all across Canada. Cyclists raise funds to bring God’s word to people of all ages, walks of life, and denominations, while getting fit, having fun and enjoying fellowship.
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