On 20th February, 2016, the Bible Society in conjunction with Davar Partnership International, launched the Yawo Audio Bible in Mangochi. 40 Church leaders and missionaries working in Mangochi attended the launch which was graced by the Presidential Advisor to the president on Religious Affairs, Apostle Timothy Khoviwa.
Mr Johan Louw who represented Davar Partnership International from South Africa, outlined the process taken to arrive at the recording of Yawo Bible. Davar Partnership has trained two Malawians who will undertake the implementation of the use of the audio Bible in Malawi.
On 21st February, the launch for Chichewa – Buku Lopatulika Audio Bible took place at Fishers, Trainers and Senders (FTS) facility in Lilongwe. Thirty-

five church and parachurch organization leaders were attended the event, and the Board Chairman of Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) Rev. Dr. Chatha Msangaambe, was in attendance as guest of honour.
Speakers at the two events emphasized the importance of God’s Word, that those who do not know how to read, may have the opportunity of listening to the Word of God.
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