The Children and the youth together constitute the bigger proportion of the Population of Malawi and yet most Churches programmes target the grown-ups. The Churches biggest challenge has been well developed materials for use for the Children’s programmes
Project Objective:
The project’s objective is to make available 8,000 Chichewa and 2000 English Lions Children’s Bibles for the Children in Sabbath and Sunday schools in all City Churches in Malawi in order to let the children encounter Christ in pursuit of the theme The Bible Open for All – even the children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mat. 19.14 (GNB)
The project is targeting Sunday School going children between the ages of 5-13 years three cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe and Zomba to motivate and encourage them to encounter God in their tender ages so that when they grow up they will not depart from God’s path.
Project activities
- Setting up the project team to execute the project
- Making arrangement for co-edition publishing of the vernacular books with Scandinavia Publishing unit
- Holding Church sensitization of the materials and their use
- Distribution of the booklets
- Gathering stories on the impact of the books on the children
- Reporting human interest stories on the project