After writing her final secondary school examinations, Lettice Kazenga, 15, received back her book-fund deposit because she had not lost any school text book.
With that money she decided to buy Christian books and Bibles to sell at a reduced price or give for free to those who cannot afford to buy.
“I’ve always wanted to become a pastor,” she said with a beaming face. “But my church does not ordain women pastors. So I thought there’s another way I can serve God. So I started evangelizing to people – telling them the Good News about our Lord Jesus Christ.”
In her evangelism work, she found out that most people do not have a Bible or any Christian material to read. That is what moved her to use her book-fund money to buy Christian books and Bibles to sell at a subsidized price or give away as she talks to people about Jesus Chirist in their homes, on the road or at any place she has the opportunity to evangelize.
One day, as she was listening to TransWord Radio, she heard an advert about reduced Bible prices. She immediately came to Bible House Shop to buy some Bible, traveling from Thyolo (about 45km).
“When I heard the advert,” she said, “I couldn’t help it but come to buy the Bibles because they are cheaper than where I used to get them. This way I can get a few more to distribute”. She bought four Chichewa Bibles to use in her evangelism work.
Asked what problems she was meeting in her work, Lettice said, “Well, I don’t see them as problems, but maybe challenges. I rejoice in them because
even Jesus had to meet opposition in his work. People look at my age and not take me seriously. But it’s okay. Some people receive me.”
Always buoyant in her manner, Lettice talks of the joy she has in the work she does. She was excited that with the little money she had, she could get a few Bibles for some people out there who are in need of God’s Word in their life.
Lettice is waiting for her entrance into the university in the coming year.
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